Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Adrien Jay Collins
Born 4:51pm MST Christmas Day, 2010!
8lbs 2oz
21 3/4 in.
Thank you Father for this little reminder of the Gift of your only Son!

Friday, December 24, 2010


God is on an all out search to find lost people. He wants partners in sacrifice. We sacrifice order. We sacrifice neatness. We sacrifice control. We sacrifice the comfort that comes from only meeting the needs of people like ourselves. We sacrifice the tranquility of those who close their eyes to the eternal needs of others.

But the payback far outweighs the pain. For the joy set before us, we endure the pain of sacrifice. We are invited to an everlasting party, where every little step we took to reach the lost, every little sacrifice we made will pale in comparison to the weight of the glory that will mark the lives of all who helped even one sinner come home.